How Much Is a TV Advertisement in Kenya? Cost of NTV & Citizen TV Ads

A TV advertisement is a short piece of TV programming that a company or organization makes, produces, and pays for. It bears a message about promotion, and its goal is to market a service or product on TV stations. A business or organization can show and tell a large number of people about their business, services, or products through television advertising. This shows the importance of ownership.

A TV advertisement cost between Ksh. 40,000 and Ksh.100,000 for off-peak ads for 30 seconds, while the prime ad costs between Ksh.200,000 and Ksh. 800,000 for 30 seconds in Kenya. The prices of adverts are on different platforms, and mainly it’s determined by the ad time spent on Tv broadcasting media. TV advertising is the most expensive in Kenya.

Television advertising has been a popular medium for both large and small businesses since it started to appear in living rooms. Most television advertisements depend on the number of ads and the duration of each ad. The most popular advert package is based on almost five (5) commercials daily; they run for about 30 seconds each. Charges will be split between peak and prime time, with two running prime and two off-peak times.

The cost of small stations is primarily determined by their fluctuating viewership figures. TV is now owned by almost everyone in Kenya, even those who live in rural areas, making it the best medium to make advertisements.

Top Companies Using TV Adverts in Kenya

There are various companies using TV ads in Kenya. However, the top companies using Tv adverts in Kenya are Coca-Cola, Safaricom, and Multi-Choice Kenya.

Safaricom is Kenya’s largest telecommunications company, spending nearly Ksh. 10 billion on advertising each year, according to reports.

Coca-Cola is the second company that spends around Ksh. 5 billion.

Multi-choice Kenya is the third one, costing about Ksh. 4 billion, with the National Government of Kenya spending Ksh. 3 billion.

How Much Does it Cost to Advertise on Citizen TV?

Citizen TV is the most widely distributed broadcast media in both English and Kiswahili. This Tv station/ channel airs various entertainment ranging from local and international. It has been used to advertise different products and services in Kenya.

Advertisements on Citizen TV cost around Ksh. 100,000 to Ksh. 150,000 for off-peak times of advertising and between Ksh. 600,000 and Ksh. 700,000 for an advertisement during prime hours when advertising products or services in Kenya. The fee is charged per second of advertisement, making it more expensive than other social media advertising.

Citizen TV is a free-to-air news television channel owned by Royal Media Services and Broadcasting. It uses English and Kiswahili as the only official languages in Kenya. They also offer breaking news at a particular time. They support different talents in sports and the music industry.

How Much Does It Cost to Advertise On NTV?

NTV stands for “National Television.” It is a Kenyan general entertainment channel. It is another popular Tv station in Kenya that offers the latest news and entertainment, such as music and sports. It mainly uses the Kiswahili language. It is well-known for the way it balances news and local comedy when trying to reach young, active viewers.

Its cost ranges from Ksh. 100,000 to Ksh. 350,000 for 30 seconds of advertising in Kenya. The cost varies depending on the time of day the ad is run, the type of ad you create, and other factors that will be considered.

With online advertising, you will get a surprising amount of control over the people who see your ads. The targeting audience definitely depends on the ad network you are utilizing. The setup process for an NTV ad has two main stages, including production and design.

Difference Between Design and Production

The design is the creation of the advertisement. You must choose the concept, whether you will need to pay designers or actors, and the script for the advertisement. Typically, you will need to deal with an independent organization that specializes in video production.

Production is the creation process. When you have designed and styled your ad, you are still required to film the ad. The production process includes everything from the initial shooting to editing and reviewing.

The setup process is time-consuming, depending on the ad’s complexity and length. The advertisement runs anywhere from Shs.2 million to Shs.8 million.

Advertising Agencies in Kenya

There are many advertising agencies in Kenya. Any business that wants to connect with the media should think about working with an advertising agency.

Below is a list of the best advertising agencies in Kenya:

1. Marketing services

These are integrated advertising agencies with a passion for building your business’s brands. They understand both advertising and consumers. The team is creative, experienced, passionate, talented, and dedicated, striving to simplify complicated things.

2. Trio Digital agency

This is based in Nairobi County. Its focus is on digital marketing agencies in Kenya. They specialize in helping your business optimize the internet’s immense power as a marketing vehicle to acquire, engage, and retain new and existing clients. It is a marketing firm with experience in online advertising.

3. Kwetu Marketing Agency

It is a digital marketing technology company based in Nairobi. They focus on advertising, have a wide range of digital solutions, and offer different pricing plans so you can find one that fits your budget. They advertise on vendors, industrial marketing, and brand-new goods.

4. Movie Media

This company focuses on bringing to light and strengthening your brand’s visibility. They build long-lasting relationships among business partners and customers through advertising products to develop effective communication and media strategies and solutions for their business to attain its goal.

5. Mukuba Agency

Mukuba Consultancy Limited is a company in Kenya that offers Google AdWords management services for all small and medium companies in Kenya. It advertises products at a low price which has led it to be used by many businesses.

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