How to Apply For TLB Online | Transport Licensing Board Registration

The Transport Licensing Board, or TLB in NTSA, is managed by the eight licensing officers who initiate the processing of operating licenses for public service vehicles (PSV). The NTSA has upgraded its technology, and they now prefer online operations because they are more convenient and save money and time for the average mwanainchi.

Perhaps you want to know how to apply for TLB in Kenya but are unsure where to begin. Do not be worried because I am going to show you the simplest procedure that will work well for you.

Here is the guide on how to apply for TLB online:

1. Create a TIMS account first by registering yourself either as an individual, company, or Sacco.

2. Key in your certificate of incorporation number and click on “Verification.”

3. Enter your pin number and submit the registration application.

4. You can now successfully have your TLB logged in.

5. Click on the NTSA TLB application form.

6. Fill in the required details as requested.

7. Upload the required documents needed.

8. Make payments using your preferred payment method, based on the options given.

9. Submit your application for processing and approval.

A TLB license in Kenya is easily obtained when you carefully follow the right procedure for online application as discussed above.

How Much Does TLB Cost in Kenya?

Perhaps you are asking yourself how much TLB costs in Kenya? The TLB license cost in Kenya is an average of Ksh. 37,000 per annum based on the number of passengers your vehicle can carry.


Ultimately, the TLB online application provides the best service to public service vehicle owners by allowing them to easily apply for and renew their TLB license. Furthermore, it saves you money and time because you only need an internet connection to access the TLB portal.

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