How To Apply For RSL in Kenya Online Easy & Quick Way

Do you want to know what RSL is in NTSA? RSL is an abbreviation for “Road Service License,” which is always granted under Section 152 of the Roads and Road Traffic Act and is specifically used for agricultural vehicles. Perhaps you want to apply for RSL but are unsure where to begin. Do not become stranded, as I am here to assist you. I will walk you through the various details that will lead you to successfully obtaining an RSL in Kenya.

How to Apply for RSL in Kenya

Here is the guide that you will use on how to apply for RSL in Kenya:

1. Log in to the official NTSA RSL portal.

2. If it is your first time, you will click on “register.”

3. Enter your details.

4. Create a unique password.

5. Once you are done creating an account, log in to the portal.

6. Click on “My Vehicle”, which is displayed on the left hand side.

7. Click on RSL options.

8. Click on “Apply Now”.

9. Fill in the RSL application form by keying in the required details as requested.

10. Upload the required documents as requested.

11. Make payments using your preferred payment method.

12. Click on submit to complete the RSL online application.

13. After submitting your application, you can regularly check on the portal for the progress of your application.

In case your application is rejected, you can make amendments as fast as you can and submit your application.

I wish you the very best as you apply for your RSL in Kenya.


To summarize, RSL can now be completed online from the comfort of your own home, as long as you have access to an internet connection. The NTSA RSL portal has made this online procedure simple to follow during your RSL application.

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