Is Python Programming Marketable in Kenya? Best Places to Learn Python

Python is a programming language that is easy to learn in Kenya today. Since it is simple to learn, it is a popular programming language for beginners. It is also a freely available and open-source programming language.

Yes, Python programming is highly marketable in Kenya since our daily activities revolve around technology, making the field of IT diverse with a lot of lucrative opportunities. With a certificate in Python programming, you can secure a public or private sector career.

The demand for Python programmers has increased dramatically in recent years. There are only a few Python programmers in Kenya. With the advent of new technologies, it is now easier to secure employment with the necessary credentials and skills.

6 Reasons Why Python Programming is Marketable in Kenya

One might wonder what will happen to Python programmers in the next five or ten years. How is the Python language doing compared to other programming languages in Kenya? Let us look at some of the reasons that make Python marketable in Kenya:

1. Python Has a Promising Future

Python has always been in demand in many areas, including web development. With the emergence of data science, Python might become the most popular programming language in Kenya and the world.

2. High Demand for Python Programmers

There has been an increased number of job postings for Python developers in Kenya, indicating the demand for Python programmers. Python is one of the top skills employers are looking for.

3. Python Has Many Uses

There are five main areas where Python language programming is used. These areas include; web development, data analysis, system administration, software development, and machine learning.

4. High Number of Real World Python Projects

There are so many websites that are using Python in Kenya. These websites include Instagram, Google, Netflix, Dropbox, and many more. These famous companies indicate that Python is highly demanded and thus marketable.

5. It Offers Job Security

Python programming is a stable career if you have the market-required skills. You can easily change jobs and even get promoted once you have landed a job as a programmer. A lot of upcoming businesses require Python programmers to drive their business forward.

6. Emergence of New Technologies in Kenya

There has been tremendous growth in industries and businesses in Kenya. With this growth, the emergence of new technologies has been noted in recent years. As a result, there is a growing need for Python programmers in Kenya.

How Much Do Python Programmers Make in Kenya?

Python programming is a highly lucrative career in Kenya. Python developers in Kenya earn a good amount since they are always in demand because Kenya is embracing new technologies.

Python programmers make an estimated amount of between Ksh. 70,000 and Ksh. 230, 000 per month. The amount varies depending on the company and level of the job, whether it is an entry-level or advanced level.

Where Can I Learn Python in Kenya?

Due to the emergence of new technologies, programming has a promising future in Kenya. It is therefore recommended for one to learn at least one programming language. Python is one of the best programming languages that one can quickly learn in Kenya.

There are so many places in Kenya that offer training in Python programming. Universities and colleges in Kenya offer certification in different programming languages.

Here is a list of six best places to learn Python programming:

1. Jenga School

Jenga School offers a two-month Python programming class to those with or without prior programming knowledge.

They have virtual classes, and their payment is also flexible.

Location: Nairobi, Riara Road

2. Edulink International College Nairobi

They offer the best Python training at affordable rates and award certificates after course completion.

Entry requirements include basic knowledge of computer applications and programming languages such as C and Java.

Location: Westlands Road, Nairobi.

3. NIIT Kenya, Nairobi

This is one of the leading ICT training centers.

They train both working professionals as well as graduates and undergraduates, or anyone else interested in Python programming with basic computer knowledge.

Location: Barclays Plaza, Nairobi

4. Mahanaim College

The course entry requirement is open.

The mode of study is full-time, course duration lasts six weeks.

Location: Nairobi

5. Pixels Institute of Technology

Location: Thika


AFRALTI is one of the best schools majoring in Python programming. They have qualified instructors, some of whom are working professionals.

Location: Waiyaki Way, Nairobi.

Several universities and colleges in Kenya offer Python programming. Examples include: Zetech University, Masinde Muliro University,

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