How to Get a Job in USA from Kenya | Consular Jobs in Kenya

The United States of America (USA) has a compelling history of good fortune. It is a country on its own with unique features that make it even more enjoyable. The US is home to many, and you can also decide today to go and live in the USA. Besides, it offers job opportunities to many people without discrimination. Secure a job in the US to enjoy the high-paying salaries and numerous benefits that will make you successful in no time.

Getting a new job in the USA is just like any other place where you have to make a written application.

Follow the below simple steps on how to get a job in the USA from Kenya:

1. Get a link to the American job positions in your field.

2. Log in to the LinkedIn portal.

3. Click on the application for job vacancies in the USA.

4. Fill in the application form correctly, and always be honest.

5. Attach your Curriculum Vitae (CV) and other required documents.

6. Wait for the reply, mainly via email. Therefore, regularly check your email to avoid missing a chance abroad.

This is how to get a job in the USA from Kenya. You can also have a sponsor to help you secure one in the USA.

You can also visit the US embassy, where you will be guided on how to get to the USA and the processing of your green card or a working permit.

Maybe you are asking yourself when the US embassy will reopen in Kenya. Well, the US embassy is finally reopened, which has opened doors for many Kenyans to fly to the USA in search of employment.

Consular Jobs in Kenya

These jobs mainly deal with the issuance of VISAs and following up on issues that may happen to their people overseas. Here are some of the consular positions that you can apply for:

  1. Consular Assistant: at the embassy of Sweden
  2. Temporary Assistant at the Embassy of Finland.
  3. Immigration assistant: at the US embassy in Nairobi.

These are the vacant positions that need to be filled by you.

You can also apply for US embassy driver jobs in Kenya and earn more per month.

You may also be interested in knowing about my jobs in Kenya the US embassy: 

  1. Immigration assistant at the US Embassy in Nairobi.
  2. Office management, US Embassy.
  3. Community office coordinator job.

Apply today to secure a permanent position.

The USA is the best place to be as it has many benefits that come along with it. Get your green card today to fly to the US.

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